Diabetes, Cholesterol, and Blood Pressure—Oh My!

The last couple of decades tell a “good news, bad news” story about diabetes. That’s the disease that makes it tough for your body to control blood sugar. Here’s a snapshot: In the last 20 years, the number of adults with diabetes has more than tripled.1 Nearly one in...

Taking Your Meds the Right Way

Medications can make a world of difference—if you take them the right way. Half the time, though, this doesn’t happen, at least when it comes to drugs doctors prescribe for chronic conditions.1 Sometimes people miss doses. Or they might stop refilling the prescription...

Speeding Recovery from Surgery

A sudden fall. A serious diagnosis. Surgery isn’t always something you can plan for. Even so, you can take steps to make recovery at home a little faster and safer. You just might need to depend on others for extra help. With the benefit of advance planning, of...


Taking calcium—either through diet or supplements—is a little like making deposits into a bone bank account. If you keep a healthy balance of this mineral, your body is able to build and maintain bone, which is a living, ever-changing tissue. Not only does calcium...

Stress and Heart Disease

If managing stress is a challenge for you, take heed: More and more research is pointing to stress as a contributor to heart attack and other forms of heart disease. From natural disasters1 to the death of a sibling2 to the daily grind of modern-day life, stress can...